Primary School – Final Phase Underway
It is very exciting to finally arrive at this stage of the Holy Rosary Primary School construction which started nearly four years ago. We owe a lot of gratitude and appreciation to our friends and generous donors who are seeing us through in what has been achieved so far.
It all began with the kindergarten which construction was completed in record time for the official commencement of the school year in the final quarter of the same year, 2014. We then moved on with the lower primary school block and completed it by close of 2016.
And now, still with the great support of friends especially in Haverhill, MA in the USA, we have set the construction of the final phase of the primary school underway, with the hope of receiving the rest of the top-up from a German donor organization in Duesseldorf, Engagement Global. So far, we have raised the foundations of what will become a solid three classroom building, and staff common hall, and later to add toilet facilities, with the donations received.
We still pray and hope that we will receive the rest of the much needed support to enable us complete the building on time and furnish it for the use of the children by the beginning of the next academic year in September.
Once again, we do sincerely appreciate the continuous generous assistance of all of you, wonderful friends and donors, in this project.
May God continue to bless you and strengthen our bond of friendship.