Mothers in Grand Style
The Christian Mothers Association of the parish celebrated this last Sunday of the month dedicated to the Blessed Mary in grand style. As the Association is still struggling to stand up strong again after years of dormancy, occasions such as this offer them an opportunity of true reunion and sharing.
Coming out in their numbers and well-dressed in their “maternity” uniform, they played an active part in the celebration of the Sunday liturgy, bringing offertory gifts in thanksgiving to God for His goodness to them, and for revitalizing the Association which was in its dying moments.
As part of their celebration, they provided food and drinks and shared with other members of the church after the Mass. They also visited sick members of the Association who could not come to church today, an important part of their apostolate which had been neglected for sometime now.
Today’s move by the mothers re-enforces the hope that the parish is back on its feet, and all groups and associations are once again assuming their roles and duties in the common mission for which this parish exists.
We wish our mothers all the best and many blessings!!!