Sankpala Primary School Completed
With great excitement, we can now say that the primary school building for the Holy Rosary School in Sankpala has been completed.
It has taken a lot of hard work to be able to meet this target. This however will never have been possible but for the great encouragement, prayers, and above all the generous financial support from many of you, our friends and well-wishers.
We are indeed very grateful to all of you, and pray that the Good Lord richly replenish you.
Now the children can move into this just completed building, with very beautiful and well-constructed dual desk furniture for the students, and teachers’ tables and chairs. It is our hope and prayers that, with such a conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning, both school children and teachers will profit of it and ensure that serious academic work and excellent “formation for transformation” take place in this school.
Once again, thanks to all who made various contributions towards this project.
May God bless you all abundantly.