Sankpala JHS: Mission Accomplished
I am very happy that I can now report to all our friends and benefactors that we have successfully completed the above project to which you greatly assisted with your financial support. The great support from friends both from parishes in Haverhill MA, USA, and from Nordwalde in Germany, and the partial grant from Engagement Global, Germany, enabled us to realize this project. Even though, it has taken a bit of time due to the impact of the Covid-19 which resulted in the delay of release of funds, the community of Sankpala and the direct beneficiaries of the project, remain very grateful for this support. The attached photos tell all the story, a very beautiful, well-constructed structure that will hopefully serve a great course in providing the conducive atmosphere necessary for teaching and learning for years to come.
As part of the mission of the Catholic Church, we continue to seek to promote the education of children in very deprived communities to better their future and give them options for livelihood. The many children of school going age in Sankpala were privileged to have the primary school which each of you partially supported a few years ago, and were in a very desperate need of such a decent infrastructure as Junior High School (JHS) for continuing quality teaching and learning. This dream has now been realized, through your generous support, to provide this school with the needed JHS structure which will profit the many children in this deprived village and surrounding areas. It costs us a total of GHc191,257.50 (an equivalent of about $26,806.00) for the construction and furnishing of this magnificent school block.
The impact of this completed JHS project will be enormous on this community and this entire area of primary evangelization. The physical infrastructure and the conducive atmosphere that it now provides for teaching and learning is itself a great attraction to a lot of children who are now seeking to enrol in it for their education. Access to such quality education certainly provides the key for development of these children and it will positively impact on their chances of a better future. The direct beneficiary community of Sankpala is very proud that they now have an impressive edifice, which hitherto was lacking, for the advancement of the education of their children.
I wish on behalf of the Bishop, Most Rev. Peter Paul Y. Angkyier, and on behalf of the entire St. Francis Xavier Parish, and most especially the direct beneficiary Community of Sankpala, to sincerely thank you, our friends and cherished benefactors, and appreciate your great assistance to us in the realization of this project.
May God richly bless you.