Corpus Christi In Grand Style
The people of this parish celebrated the solemnity of Corpus Christi in grand style, concluding with the Eucharistic Procession through the principal street of the town.
Even though some of the parishioners, who formed part of a delegation led by Fr Aurelio left for Damongo to join the climax of the diocesan celebration of the Eucharistic Congress, those left didn’t want to have the feeling that they missed out anything by not going to Damongo. The atmosphere was really electrifying, with both young and old alike actively participating in the singing and dancing that accompanied the procession.
This kind of procession has not been common in the past and so this one, as well as those of the last couple of years, attracted the attention of many curious onlookers. At the various stations, prayers were offered for the church, the country, and for peaceful co-existence among the different ethnic groups in this area.