Easter celebration with new pews
We had a great Easter celebration of a picnic style in Sankpala, to inaugurate the installation of new pews in the Church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. It was a great occasion to see parishioners from all the outstations, with majority from Yapei, gather to celebrate with such great joy in the Easter mood.
A year ago we blessed the newly completed church building for Sankpala outstation on Easter Sunday, with rented plastic chairs. It was then our next project to buy pews for the church. Thanks to the generous donation of friends in the mission, we can now boast of having a fully equipped church with both pews and sanctuary chairs as seen in the photos.
We are greatly indebted to all, especially to our special friend in the Archdiocese of Boston, MA, USA who championed support for this project. May God richly bless all for your support to this mission.